Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Mile High City
Stupid question: Since I live in the Mile High City, does that make me a member of the mile high club or is that specific to airplanes in flight? Things are going along swimmingly and I am trying to figure out a way to ride my bike to work that would not seriously endanger my life along the way. It is approximately 12.5 miles each way from my apartment to my place of er employment (I hopefully will get paid tomorrow, but the verdict is still out). All the roads that I take to work are extremely busy with no bike lanes. I think I'll google it. Ok, back to the ole daily grind.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
99 Problems and other ramblings
So things are uber stressful right now in my world, but thankfully it is Saturday and Jay-Z has shed some light and offered me some perspective on everything. The following is the hook from his song, "99 Problems". Here goes: "If you got girl problems, I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a b*tch ain't one." Amen, Sean Carter, amen (I think that is Jay Z's birth name).
I watch the haze burn off the city and am enjoying a lazy morning which includes, but is not limited to, sipping coffee, reading a magazine or two, updating my blog all while having my cat purring, sitting on my lap. I have the whole day to do whatever I would like. Maybe I'll go walk around for a bit in the sunshine or take my car to get an oil change or lay on my couch reading or study for a bit. Saturday is very much a recovery day for me. I recover first and foremost from the prior evening's activities, which at times means drinks and late nights, and then, more importantly, from the prior week at work, which recently has been quite effective at totally zapping all my energy. Tonight, there is a party that I have not decided on whether or not to attend. Last year, I went to this party and it's theme was tight pants. My sister and the host quickly realized that it could have been called the camel toe party. Ha ha. So I don't know if this year's party has a theme and if it does, and I go, I'll just have to hope whatever I wear fits in. By the way, last year,I wore tight pants, the original theme, and did not suffer from the aforementioned observation by my sister and the host. Last year, we stayed way too long and I think that it left a bad taste in my mouth for this year. You know when there are only a few cd's in the player and you've heard "ABC" by the Jackson 5 for the third time, it is time to go. I, unfortunately, was the only one in my group with this sentiment. So I was stuck, too tipsy to drive myself home, but coming down from my drunkeness, ready for a nice place to lay my head, listening to "disco inferno" AGAIN, really loud. So this year, we'll see if I attend and if this party ends better than last year's...
My music is on random on iTunes and my iTunes player really likes Outkast and Operation Ivy. Interesting. Hmmm, here's an Op Ivy lyric "What was once rebellion now clearly is just a social sect. Are you just upset 'cause your own social clique has left?" Ok, I'll stop quoting punk music and rap now. Ciao.
I watch the haze burn off the city and am enjoying a lazy morning which includes, but is not limited to, sipping coffee, reading a magazine or two, updating my blog all while having my cat purring, sitting on my lap. I have the whole day to do whatever I would like. Maybe I'll go walk around for a bit in the sunshine or take my car to get an oil change or lay on my couch reading or study for a bit. Saturday is very much a recovery day for me. I recover first and foremost from the prior evening's activities, which at times means drinks and late nights, and then, more importantly, from the prior week at work, which recently has been quite effective at totally zapping all my energy. Tonight, there is a party that I have not decided on whether or not to attend. Last year, I went to this party and it's theme was tight pants. My sister and the host quickly realized that it could have been called the camel toe party. Ha ha. So I don't know if this year's party has a theme and if it does, and I go, I'll just have to hope whatever I wear fits in. By the way, last year,I wore tight pants, the original theme, and did not suffer from the aforementioned observation by my sister and the host. Last year, we stayed way too long and I think that it left a bad taste in my mouth for this year. You know when there are only a few cd's in the player and you've heard "ABC" by the Jackson 5 for the third time, it is time to go. I, unfortunately, was the only one in my group with this sentiment. So I was stuck, too tipsy to drive myself home, but coming down from my drunkeness, ready for a nice place to lay my head, listening to "disco inferno" AGAIN, really loud. So this year, we'll see if I attend and if this party ends better than last year's...
My music is on random on iTunes and my iTunes player really likes Outkast and Operation Ivy. Interesting. Hmmm, here's an Op Ivy lyric "What was once rebellion now clearly is just a social sect. Are you just upset 'cause your own social clique has left?" Ok, I'll stop quoting punk music and rap now. Ciao.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Job Update and brrrrr, it's cold in here
Well, I am still working at the job I got laid off from a week ago. Our office went from 8 peoople to 3. I guess one could say I am essential. My nerves are better and I can listen to my music as loud as I want. I am billing well. I think I have mostly recovered from the realization that I don't have job security and it doesn't matter where I am employed.
I was hoping for a snow day today. No such luck, dammit! It is freaking cold and crappy outside - perfect hot chocolate or hot toddy weather, not perfect work weather...perfect snowman building snow...
I leave you with this bit of wisdom: Don't ruin a good apology with an excuse.
I was hoping for a snow day today. No such luck, dammit! It is freaking cold and crappy outside - perfect hot chocolate or hot toddy weather, not perfect work weather...perfect snowman building snow...
I leave you with this bit of wisdom: Don't ruin a good apology with an excuse.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Last Official Day
I am so sad because today is my last official day of work. My boss asked if I would stay on and work, with my understanding that I may not get my paycheck on time. I accepted, with his understanding that I am actively seeking new employment. My nerves are a bit shot and I can't say that things are ok right now. This has been one hell of a week and it is only Wednesday morning. Now everyone at work is asking how I am doing. I don't want to talk to anyone right now for I might just get mean or start crying. I am in a sullen state and a quiet place where I don't want to interact. For those of you who know me, this is a rare occation.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I just got
You read correctly, I lost my job today. I am in a state of shock and sadness for I loved the people I worked with and my job. I don't know what to say. I am scared, I only have 2 days of paid work left so basically, starting the 16th, I have no income coming in. I know that the decision was difficult for my boss and not his first choice. The whole office except one got let go. Now I will just enjoy some bourbon...celebrating my *sob* freedom. It'll be ok. I know it. Brave face.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Pathetic Blog Entry

Why is this entry pathetic after seeing that marvelous image of Mr. Depp? Because who can be taken seriously after posting a picture of the most attractive man ever on their blog? Where's my creativity? My pride? I just really like this picture and well, just really want this man to be the genetic donor of my offspring. Somehow, I just don't think that will happen. But ladies, this is for you (ok and some of you gentlemen too). Wow, I go from pics of Hawaii to Subaru Brats to Sydney to ahhhhhh. RRRRRRRRRR
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
BBQ Day!
Today is the day I have been waiting for. It's BBQ day downstairs and I can't wait. The guy who runs the cafe made it especially for me. That's right, he cooked the pork loin yesterday...ahhhh, this is good, it smells totally delicious. The weather is craptacular today, totally perfect to break my spell of spring fever. Nothin like a little rain and snow to make the desire to drive carefree with the wind blowing through my hair die. Ok, I gots to work on a child support calculation; you read right folks, the liberal arts major doing math. Oi, what is this world coming to?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
It's Good To Be Home
Well folks, I have returned from suburbia back to the city. Damn, it feels good to be home, even though I love staying with the kitties in G-town. My cat went absolutely insane upon my return, is even more obsessed with me than ever and bit me a few times. I just tell myself she is scolding me for leaving and she has to earn her name, Wednesday, la Puta Gata. Now, my place needs some serious spring cleaning and having been away from it makes me want to clean it up. Next month is a big month for me - I just bought my tickets to go visit Cruz in Florida - hooray!!! Then, at some point, my friend is coming to visit yours truly and the beautiful state that is Colorado. So, if I can thoroughly clean my place now and focus at work, I will soon be rewarded with some vacation time. I know what you are thinking: she just went to Hawaii and now, more vacation?! Yes, I am the envy of all my co-workers and friends for I don't care if my leave is paid or not. I just take it. Ciao for now!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Sei il mio amore eterno...
Yup, it's that time again, time for the monthly cheezy Italian saying from, you guessed it, my Buff Gondolier. The supposed translation is: Be my eternal love. This month's man is Renato. He is a smokin'good lookin' 34 year old who likes sea food. Mmmm, could he like sea food because oysters are a natural aphrodesiac?
This week, my ability to communicate is non-existent. I feel like at work, in my personal life and even to myself, I can't express what I am thinking, feeling, what I want to say. I just need to chill out, relax and not worry. My friend at work, who is leaving (bummer), told me today that I am the most sincere person she knows. She told me that it is very clear if I like or don't like someone because I simply ignore those I don't like. Wow. Maybe I do communicate more than I realize. That is even more scary! I think all this can be blamed on one thing: the re-entry of television in my life. I am cat-sitting and not only do these people have cable, they also have HDTV. For those of you who don't know, it used to be a criteria that I would only consider dating you if you had cable (I have since dropped this criteria for consitancy's sake, keep reading). To put it lightly, I am mildly obsessed with cable. So I go from not having the ability to watch any tv to having cable and, even more titlating, on-demand so I can watch movies whenever I feel like it. I think my brain cells are dying much more rapidly and that the ability to watch tv has destroyed my fragile web of understanding of how I operate, thus, making me a bumbling idiot, unable to communicate. Evil television. Or I could just have spring fever.
This week, my ability to communicate is non-existent. I feel like at work, in my personal life and even to myself, I can't express what I am thinking, feeling, what I want to say. I just need to chill out, relax and not worry. My friend at work, who is leaving (bummer), told me today that I am the most sincere person she knows. She told me that it is very clear if I like or don't like someone because I simply ignore those I don't like. Wow. Maybe I do communicate more than I realize. That is even more scary! I think all this can be blamed on one thing: the re-entry of television in my life. I am cat-sitting and not only do these people have cable, they also have HDTV. For those of you who don't know, it used to be a criteria that I would only consider dating you if you had cable (I have since dropped this criteria for consitancy's sake, keep reading). To put it lightly, I am mildly obsessed with cable. So I go from not having the ability to watch any tv to having cable and, even more titlating, on-demand so I can watch movies whenever I feel like it. I think my brain cells are dying much more rapidly and that the ability to watch tv has destroyed my fragile web of understanding of how I operate, thus, making me a bumbling idiot, unable to communicate. Evil television. Or I could just have spring fever.
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