Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Welcome to me extrapulating on my exhaustion. I have been working overtime with meetings in the evenings. My house is still a disaster and I have an unbelievable amount of laundry to do. At least I can leave at a decent time tonight.

Besides all of that, I am doing very well. I am thinking that if I do go to Graduate School, exhaustion will be my state of life. I am really excited about applying to school.

In other news, I have quit consuming alcoholic beverages! What?! How can that be? I realized after partying this weekend that the aftermath is in no way worth the night of fun. The guilts consume me and it is simply not worth it. My sister quit with me so we'll see how long each of us lasts!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mi piaci troppo

"I like you so much". Wow, words of adoration from my buff gondalier for November. What am I going to do when I no longer have this calendar? What if they don't make one for 2007? How will I come up with blog posting headings? So many questions. I feel quite exhausted right now. We have some serious deadlines at work and guess who is responsible for all of them?? ME!!!! I have been here since 5:30AM and I am halfway done...maybe a power nap is in order. My boss has offered to take me to coffee but I am half tempted to push on through and leave early. The biggest problem is I am at least a week behind on things. AT LEAST!! I have a meeting tonight, have to vote tomorrow, have 2 appts later in the week, need to clean my apartment which is a virtual pig sty and do laundry. Oh, and apply to law school. Doh! When will I stop running? It's ok, at least I won't get bored and the overtime pay is fabulous.