Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yoga down on this!

Sooooo, I have officially joined the YMCA. I have attended 2 yoga sessions and a spinning class - owwwwwww my ass (who thought to make bicycle seats so very uncomfortable?)! I have learned 3 very important things: 1. I am not flexible or limber. 2. I am in terrible shape. 3. I have more stamina and endurance than I thought. Waking up before God is also interesting - my spinning class BEGINS at 5:30 AM. Let me tell you who is on the streets as I am walking to the illustrious Y. No one. Except maybe a couple homeless people and some raver party individuals. This is the infamous YMCA building where about 5 years ago, a man decided to masterbate for me. I am hoping this is a gift I will never receive again, especially at the ass-crack of dawn. So Monday, I get to go to see a personal trainer. He is an ex-Marine named Beau; I am scared. A plan with some gentle guidance is all I ask. No shouting, no belittling, no bootcamp. Tomorrow is another day and another spinning class. One day, I will wear a yellow jersey to my spinning class, but that is a long way off.


zoNa said...

good for you em!!!! keep me updated on your YMCA adventures. no great gym adventures for me recently... i would have to go to the gym to have an adventure there. yeah, slight problem...

Anonymous said...

For your birthday I'll buy you a pair of padded bike shorts. They even make them with a gel pad instead of conventional padding. In the meantime pick up a gel bike seat cover. It's worth the $20 bucks. Your butt will get used to it. I'm proud of you, Elmo!!