It is Friday night in the city of brotherly love (forget sisterly love!) and I am trying to figure out where to go to study. My room is too isolated - it is Friday night after all and some sort of distraction is warranted. So, I will go park myself at a coffee shop and go from there, assuming the coffee shop is open. I'll check in from there...
So I didn't end up going to a coffee shop last night. Instead, I stayed in and worked on statistics, taking time out to shave 2 of my friends heads. It was fun - I have never done that before and it is not as simple as it seems. Thankfully it was with clippers - no bics here! Less room for error that includes bloodshed.
So you are probably wondering why this post is titled "sick and wrong." Well, this is the second weekend night in a row spent with my studies. I honestly don't think it is sick and wrong to study on the weekend evenings; I must buckle down and do what I came here to do - work hard, but still, it seems somewhat depressing that I am not out at a movie or relaxing somewhere! And I just found out I got a job at the Graduate Student Center (GSC) which requires 8-12 hours a week. Add that to being in five classes and I am going to be rather strung out come December. Hence the picture at the top of the blog post. I look at some of the weeks and the massive amounts of work due all at the same time and, well, just try to cope. One thing that keeps me going is knowing that it has been done before and there are my fellow classmates in the same boat. Back to reading. In case you are wondering what I am reading, the present book is entitled, "Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy." My professor was the head of Child Welfare Services in the Department of Health and Human Services during the Clinton administration. She is amazing. Completely amazing.
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