I just finished an econ class and talked to my TA about PhDs and my career. I need to talk with her more about it. She is getting her PhD in Social Welfare after a successful career doing foundation work. I have been throwing the idea around in my mind since I started my program. I need to figure out how isolating my career would be. I love doing research, but I also love being with people. I know I would be a good teacher. I also know I want to go speak in front of House and Senate Committees on the Hill. I don't want to be working at a school in the middle of nowhere because that is where I can get a job. I know I went to a fabulous school in the middle of nowhere. Can I get a job outside of academia if it isn't a fit for me? This is why I want to talk to my TA about her experience in the non-profit and foundation sector. The other issue is I want to study women's empowerment, but what does that mean? Do I become an expert in women and poverty? I want to do econ without the calculus. I have to be careful because no PhD in social welfare will accept me if I do not want to stay in academia. None. At least none at the schools I would be applying to. Do you realize that the PhD in Social Welfare at Penn is tied for 1st place along with UC Berkley? I would need to do some research about where else I would like to apply, should I decide to pursue my PhD. I want to be the first woman in my family to get her doctorate. I guess the question is whether I will get one, it is when and where.
In the mean time, I have to write a literature review for my research class. It is not as fun as it sounds, dweeby english majors (you know I love you). I am studying the income of single mothers and single fathers in America to see if there is a difference and if so, why. Literature reviews are where I look at the literature (journal articles) out there, see what they say, then see where I am going. In a paper. I need a hypothesis people. How do you measure social capital? I am hoping from my literature, I can figure it all out, enough to write a fantabulous paper at least.
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