My friend, Brooke, asked me to participate on blogging my 6 guilty pleasures. I think this is a particularly difficult assignment for me because I really try to avoid feeling guilty about much of anything or doing things I feel guilty about. Anyways, here goes...
1. Listening to music or NPR, constantly. No matter what I am doing, I am listening to SOMETHING. Whether it be researching, blogging, writing or playing a game, there is always something in the background. NPR is a particular guilty pleasure while getting ready for my day in the morning and I am not a member. I am a "free-rider" in the true economic sense of the word.
2. Eating all of my meals out. I blame the fact that I eat all of my meals out because I do not have a kitchen and my mini fridge and microwave don't really cut it. I should get a crock pot. I should use my mini toaster/oven...
3. Drinking expensive martinis. While I rarely drink martinis (or in general), when I do get a martini, it is usually Kettle One, Grey Goose or Bombay Sapphire. I will not have a cheap vodka or gin in this drink and I like it a touch on the dirty side - always with olives.
4. Going to my knitting circle. I go to my knitting circle every Monday night, regardless of deadlines and how close I am to meeting those deadlines. I justify this by saying that since I started the knitting circle, I HAVE to go, but that is simply not true. There are plenty of folks who go and I certainly don't have to be there.
5. Watching the same three movies. All the time. Upon going to graduate school, I have had a particularly difficult time falling asleep at night. I cannot shut my mind down so how better to silence the thoughts than watching "The Big Lebowski", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (the new one), or "Finding Nemo" for the 100th time? Since my comfort food is coffee with cream and Splenda, this is a good substitute when sleep is warranted. Maybe I'll shake things up and watch "Pirates II Dead Man's Chest" tonight.
6. Loving everything and everyone (for the most part). This sounds cheesy, but I seriously do love almost everyone in my life and everything I do, too much. Just ask my friends. I always "love this movie" or that is my "favorite song, book, food, person", etc. If you don't know me, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but if you do know me, you almost everything makes me laugh and I enjoy wholeheartedly everything I do. I love story telling and involving people in my life. This is why all of you will come visit me, so you can truly experience my moldy room, fabulous classes and the joy that is my life at Penn. And the freezing cold wind. Oh, and Philadelphia. Did I mention I haven't left Philly city limits in almost 3 months?
Your turn.