So I am spending this dreary November afternoon in an office right in the heart of campus researching my second 8-10 page paper on the feminization of poverty in America. This time, I am doing a literature review that provides a theoretical framework, empirical data for understanding the problem/issue and causal factors coupled with the effectiveness of policies or interventions. Did I mention I also have to examine the advocacy literature (Heritage Foundation and National Organization of Women, here I come!) to identify the key stakeholders and then, from all of this analysis, identify possible policy choices. Simple. No problem. 8-10 pages. My last paper, which was awesome, only earned a B+. I feel under-appreciated. But I still have the opportunity to prove myself and, I have straight A's in my four other classes.
I am a bit distressed about my ear with the burst eardrum. My hearing is definitely not as good as the other ear. Should I be going to an ear, nose and throat specialist? I know that it is probably normal that things are unequal, but I don't want my left ear to be permanently poor in the hearing department. I will call the doctors on Monday and see what they think. There is still so much fluid in my ears, both of them, that I feel like I have earplugs in. The left is still worse.
Ok, back to research. Lonely research. See the lonely penguin above?
the ronery penguin is such a sad image. oh em. i hope that your ear is ok.... and best of luck with all your work. all i can offer is my sympathy in knowing what it feels like being in your shoes. you'll get it done.
I could easily be a lonely penguin in under one of those other lamps. I'll be holed up on this equally rainy day in Indiana doing coursework, too - we grad students are our own imagined community! (Speaking of which, do you ever read the Ph.D. comics? They're very theraputic!)
I hope the ear problem ceases to be a problem soon!
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