I am in the process of applying for 2 grants based on a research project that I have NO idea what it will be. Women's empowerment is surprisingly a large area of study. What does this mean? It means that I have to sound like I have a research project fully mapped out, subject, methodology and all, while in reality, being general enough that no matter what my research project is for the UN, I will not be completely off-base. So, I am writing a lot about women's economic well-being, honing in on labor-market specific stuff, while throwing in words like "human trafficking" and "ethnicity", "race", "geographic differences", "youth", etc. Part of me wants to end my proposals by saying something to the effect of: I am an Intern for the United Nations Development Fund for Women. My research will include the study of issues through a gendered lens, specifically, how everything effects women of the region. Just give me the money. I can guarantee I will appreciate this more than I can express and who knows, the UN might even publish my findings. There will be no publishing if I can't afford to go. We, at Penn, have a ridiculous endowment, in the hundreds of millions. What is $9000? Chump change. The UN is 'sponsoring' my research in every other way except paying me. Pony up so I can have this opportunity of a lifetime. Hos gotta eat too.
What do you think? I think it could work...
I'm not a good person to talk to about grants right now. I've been turned down for 3 of the 5 I've applied to so far, and I know *exactly* what I want to do for my dissertation research... :(
At least you're half way there, though, having secured the internship and all. You mentioned wanting to say something about it in your proposal. You should! Include it in the methodology section or something, relating the resources you'll have at the UN with your project. Listing it on your CV (if they require it with the application) might be another good way of slipping it in, too!
Good luck!
i think you will definitely sell them on the "hos gotta eat" line!
nona is somehow publishing under the name seth... dunno why. maybe he was logged into my computer. just fyi. this is nona.
We miss you, Em. Come back! :(
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