The funny thing about this picture is that Jennie was taking a picture of the guy just over my shoulder, not me. He is the one next to the woman with blond hair. I obliged the pose and must admit he was good-looking so I had no problem participating in this valiant effort.
Judging from the said picture, one might expect a blog post on being out of shape surrounding consumption of Manhattans. However, that is not the subject of this post. I woke up this morning and my shoulders were sore. Where? Oh right where my arms connect to my torso. It feels like I got a tetnus shot. I could not figure out why I felt this way - usually the soreness stays in my back and varies between upper and lower sections. My hips are a bit sore too. Then, in the car with Cata, I suddenly realized that this soreness is due to riding my bike, just over a mile, mind you, for the first time in a looooong time yesterday. I feel quite pathetic. I walk said distance almost every day, yet riding the bike make my body dully ache. I want to ride my bike this afternoon for a while. Maybe my muscles will get used to being used again. I almost can unglue myself from the computer and writing papers. Only 2 papers to go. Unfortunately, I think one of them will hit the 35 page limit set (it is a group project on women and foreclosure in Philadelphia). Back to the editing and writing. Cheers!
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