Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter aka Hiro and the Black Supremacists

I just finished a fabulous Easter Brunch with my friends, Nona, Seth, Hiro and Nahoko. We had such delicacies as ricotta blueberry pancakes, eggs benedict with crabcakes in lieu of Canadian bacon, mimosas and crab breakfast burritos. Nona had to be at work by noon so we offered to take Hiro to a nearby subway station so he could go home. Little did we know that the Black Supremacists have set up shop to spread their message of hate this beautiful Easter morning, right at Hiro's subway stop. There they were with their white robes, red stoles and podium with a amplification system. We explained to Hiro that this a cultural experience and, after he told us he was scared, he got out of the car and trotted with some urgency into the Galleria. I later received a text that Hiro had single-handily fought all of the Supremacists and won. This was Hiro's way of telling me he was safe, thank God. The adventures of Philly. There are other tales of Hiro's experience with other cultural experiences, unbeknownst to him. I don't want to steal his thunder so you must ask him yourself about San Fransisco.

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