Friday, January 18, 2008

I feel like I should write more on Mississippi, but...

I know I should write more about my experiences in Mississippi and maybe I will this weekend, but for right now, I want to talk about my first week of classes and the world of opportunity before me. This semester is exciting. I will learn how to evaluate programs (hello gig in consulting!!), how social policy is effected by the judicial system, hands on experience doing a research project for a client within the City of Philadelphia (if I get my way, I will research the foreclosure/sub-prime mortgage 'crisis') and learning how to truly write policy op eds, briefs, etc. In my Capstone seminar, my professors tried to figure out where we should get internships and what our interests are. So I study women's empowerment...what does that mean, specifically when it comes to a career? I don't know!!!! I told them about the UNIFEM interview (in theory it is next week) and the fact that it is unfunded and received interesting advice. Firstly, my profs, who have significant Beltway experience, said if I want to end up in DC, then that is where I need to do my internship so I can compete with other peeps, put in my time and get hired. But then there is the opportunity in Botswana and it is right up my alley, through Penn...oh me oh my oh! What should I do? Where should I go?? DC?? Balkans?? Botswana?? Should I focus on human trafficking? Women's access to health care?? My head is swimming, I tell you.

1 comment:

zoNa said...

swimming against the current, as always :)