Tuesday, April 08, 2008

...break me down, bury me bury me...

For those of you who are not familiar with 30 Seconds to Mars, Jared Leto's band, the title to this entry is from the refrain from one of their songs "The Kill." Jennie and I always sing "Marry me Marry me" in lieu of "bury me, bury me." The man is hot. Anyhow, this is not about him per se except my EXTREME grief over the fact that I cannot FIND my 30 Seconds to Mars cd. What am I going to do? At least I still have the autographed (yes, I met Jared himself, ladies and he is a super jerk) cover to the cd. But no CD. Troubling.

In other news, I had a cheesy moment this evening. I went to a talk on every one's favorite subject, The Education of Muslim Minorities in Thrace, Greece, and there, on their map of Greece was a wee country to the north simply labeled FYROM. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia!!!!!! Now, this may seem strange, but sometimes my move to Macedonia is not real to me. It is almost like I am over it because I have been doing things to prepare since February 1st. But then I see FYROM on a map at a presentation and I am so excited! I can hardly stand it!!!!! I needed this so badly. It is hard to see where all the little things I have been doing, like oh writing my will, are leading towards anything. And then, the sun peeps through the clouds and I am reminded what I am working towards. Skopje. Me. Me in Skopje.

1 comment:

zoNa said...

that is such an awesome feeling! I know exactly what you mean.