Monday, April 07, 2008

The Great Condom Grab in the Grad Center and the Nude Leggings

I am sitting at the desk, minding my own business when I noticed a guy grab one of the free condoms sitting in the bowl near the desk. He was pretending to lean in close to read a flier. He did not fool me! I think if he had not made it a big deal by pretending to read the flier, I would not have even noticed. After grabbing one, he goes to sit back at his computer and there is a girl sitting at the table who is working with him. They are at one of the little 2 person tables. Oh my gosh, she just moved around to sit right next to him! I wonder if she is the lucky lady...not to worry; his secret is safe with me.

I know you are missing the fashion faux pas from last semester, but no one has really caught my eye recently. I think my senses are dulled due to the popularity of early 90s leggings - foul! I guess I saw nude ones today, which were heinous. Why not just spend a little less and buy panty hose or go the extra step and get *gasp* tights! Cut off nude leggings with the trashy lace trim at the bottom are a definite fashion "no." If you must wear leggings, Ladies, at least make them something other than flesh colored or else you may just end up on my blog. And I am not even a true fashionista.

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